

News 21 Nov 2023
The Vice-Rector of ASOIU participated in the 80th anniversary celebration of South Kazakhstan University

The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, visited South Kazakhstan University, named after M. Auezov, at the invitation of the university's administration in South Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the invitation was to participate in the 80th-anniversary celebration of South Kazakhstan University, recognizing it as one of the advanced universities in the friendly country, Azerbaijan. On November 18, a festive event dedicated to the anniversary of South Kazakhstan University took place in Shimkent, Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by Sayasat Nurbek, the Minister of Education and Higher Education of Kazakhstan, representatives of the country's educational community, as well as delegates from various countries and leaders of higher education institutions.

During his address at the event, Sayasat Nurbek, the Minister of Education and Higher Education of Kazakhstan, greeted all conference participants, conveyed the congratulations of the President of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the 80th anniversary, and appreciated the activities of the university. Later, the Rector of South Kazakhstan University, Professor Kojamjarova Daria, delivered a comprehensive speech.

At the festive anniversary ceremony, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, in his speech, first conveyed the greetings and sincere congratulations of ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, and the entire collective of the university to the participants of the event. Then, Gasim Mammadov spoke about the cooperation between Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and South Kazakhstan University, as well as the unwavering friendship based on historical roots between the two brotherly countries. He provided brief information about the history and activities of ASOIU for over a century and highlighted the contributions of the university's alumni to the development of the oil industry in Azerbaijan and several other countries worldwide. Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov provided detailed information about the existing education and teaching system at ASOIU, the application of modern technological innovations in the education system, the university's international relations, dual-degree programs, and other areas of activity.

During his speech, capturing the interest of the event participants, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov also mentioned Safi Utebayev, the first alumnus of ASOIU from Kazakhstan (1935), considered the founder of the oil industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. He emphasized that Safi Utebayev, an honorary alumnus of ASOIU, is always remembered with deep respect, and a bas-relief dedicated to his dear memory has been installed at the university.

At the end of the anniversary ceremony, a concert program, which attracted the interest of all attendees, took place at the "Turkistan" Concert Complex in the city of Shimkent, with the participation of teachers and students.

During the visit from November 16 to 19, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov had one-on-one meetings with the Rector of South Kazakhstan University, named after M. Auezov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Kojamjarova Daria, and the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Kairat Nurmanbetov, as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Oil Engineering, the Director of the International Cooperation Department, and the Head of the Department of Technological Equipment and Machines. During the meetings, cooperation directions were discussed, and various projects, scientific achievements, and goals with the participation of both universities were deliberated.

Within the framework of the visit, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov participated in the opening of the complex, which encompasses the Food Biotechnology Laboratory, laboratories for the multifocal modeling of structures, mechanisms, and processes, the REILRAB Kazakhstan Leather Center, and the effective technology for preparing sweet water.

It is worth noting that South Kazakhstan University, named after M. Auezov, is one of the leading educational institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Known for its systematic education tradition and scientific achievements, the university is famous, like AZII, for producing highly qualified specialists. With 30,000 students receiving education and a faculty of 1,500 professors and teachers, South Kazakhstan University distinguishes itself with its scientific achievements, including articles published in international scientific journals and world metric databases. Currently, the university holds the 434th position in the QS ranking.
