

News 28 Nov 2023
ASOIU hosts book presentation: "ISO 9001:2015 - Şərh və tətbiq üzrə tövsiyələr"

On November 28, a presentation of the book "ISO 9001:2015 - Şərh və tətbiq üzrə tövsiyələr" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University's (ASOIU) by AzII e-Book House.

During the presentation ceremony, Salakhat Mahmudova, the director of AzII e-Book House, greeted the participants and guests and provided information about the book.

Prof. Latafat Gardashova, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs at ASOIU, highly appreciated the publication of a book in the Azerbaijani language on standardization, also noting the book's importance as a source for students pursuing higher education in the field of standardization and certification.

Samir Novruzlu, the chairman of the Quality Association PU and project manager, provided detailed information about the activities, projects, and the book of the association, sharing his own experience. Emphasizing the importance of the "ISO 9001:2015 - Şərh və tətbiq üzrə tövsiyələr" book for students in terms of increasing expertise in this field and the accessibility of information, S. Novruzlu noted that the book contains over 15 years of experience and application.

Following this, Prof. Lala Bakirova, the head of the Instrumentation Engineering Department at ASOIU; Prof. Galib Sharifov, a member of the Management Board of the Quality Association PU, international standards consultant, trainer, and auditor; Hikmat Rajabov, the Deputy Chairman of the Quality Association PU, and Rizvan Mustafayev, a member of the Management Board of the Quality Association PU, shared their thoughts about the book. They highlighted that the book's importance extends beyond students and teachers in this field to everyone, emphasizing the significance of familiarizing oneself with the standards of the modern era.

It's worth noting that the book "ISO 9001:2015 - Şərh və tətbiq üzrə tövsiyələr" was prepared based on the translation of the ISO 9001:2015, the most popular standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), into the Azerbaijani language by the Quality Association Public Union. The book, consisting of 384 pages, was prepared by the project leader Samir Novruzlu, the chairman of the Quality Association Public Union, and the experts of the Union. The book, which is dedicated to the education of activities in the field of improving the quality and ensuring the continuous competitiveness of products and services in the country, contributes to the dissemination of international and national standards in quality management. It will be beneficial for specialists, consultants, trainers working in the field of quality and management, as well as for students and the professorial staff teaching in this field.
