

News 28 Nov 2023
Strategies for advancing energy sources and revitalizing the energy industry discussed at ASOIU

On November 28, Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, met with Dr. Zhang, the owner and CEO of "DCH Solargiga GmbH." The meeting also included the participation of Yashar Musayev, the department head of "Siemens Energy," Latifa Nasibova, the Acting Executive Director of Azerbaijani-French University, and Aydin Aliyev, the dean of ASOIU's Faculty of Power Engineering. 
During the meeting, the need for rapid development in the energy sector due to the increasing demand for energy was emphasized. The focus was on the necessity of implementing measures for the development of alternative energy sources and the revitalized energy industry. Suggestions were voiced for promoting this field, and there was an exchange of ideas.
Dr. Zhang also provided detailed information during the meeting about the production process of solar energy panels and the successes achieved by the company in solar energy and integrated energy projects in many countries worldwide. As a result of the meeting, discussions were held on future collaboration issues with the company, and the proposal to involve students and the teaching staff in these processes was put forward.
