

News 29 Nov 2023
Next meeting of the Academic Board held at ASOIU

On November 29, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted its regular Academic Board meeting. In line with tradition, Acting Rector Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov commenced the session by extending congratulations to Professor Khuraman Khanim Mukhtarova, head of the Oil and Gas Geology Department, on her jubilee. On behalf of the Academic Board, he wished her strong health and continued success in her scientific and pedagogical pursuits. Following this, Acting Rector Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov presented the meeting's agenda, which received unanimous approval.

Within the meeting, Elman Isgandarov, the Dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, delivered an annual report detailing the faculty's activities. He provided insights into admission statistics, the faculty's training and education standards, accomplished tasks, and outlined future objectives.

The agenda covered discussions on matters, tasks, innovations, and specific goals slated for the academic year 2023-2024, as well as highlighting achieved milestones. Engaging discussions took place, and unanimous decisions were reached by the Board members on the raised issues.

In closing, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov offered recommendations and directives aimed at elevating the quality of education and teaching at ASOIU, fostering scientific advancements, and addressing upcoming challenges.
