

News 30 Nov 2023
Seminar on "The Role of Quality Infrastructure in Economic Development" took place at ASOIU

On November 30, a seminar on the topic "The Role of Quality Infrastructure in Economic Development" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) by the Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control State Service under the Ministry of Economy.

The seminar, attended by third-year students from the Faculty of Chemical Technology, the Faculty of Economics and Management, and SABAH groups, featured presentations by Elmaddin Guluyev, the Director of the Standardization, Technical Regulation, and Certification Department of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, and Eldar Tanriverdiyev, the Chief Advisor in the Public Relations and Education Sector.

Elmaddin Guluyev, Director of the Standardization, Technical Regulation, and Certification Department, delivered a presentation on "The Role of Quality Infrastructure in Economic Development", discussing the formation of the development system in the field of quality infrastructure and its role in economic development.

The session concluded with the students asking questions.
