

News 29 Nov 2023
French scholar conducts seminar for doctoral, master's, and bachelor's students at ASOIU

A scientific seminar was conducted as part of the ongoing scientific collaboration between the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and the University of Strasbourg in the field of Chemical Engineering, with the active participation of faculty members, researchers, doctoral students, and students studying in English within the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

During the seminar, Professor Minira Aghahuseynova of ASOIU emphasized the significant importance of scientific collaboration with the University of Strasbourg and provided information to the participants about the topic of the seminar.

Following this, Mr.Matthias Pauly, a scholar from the University of Strasbourg and also a lecturer at UFAZ, delivered a presentation on "Structure-dependent properties of metallic nanowires assembled into hybrid complex superstructures."

The seminar, which addressed contemporary and relevant issues in Chemistry such as solving modern problems, obtaining new materials with extensive application areas, and other topics, attracted the interest of participants.

The session concluded with the speakers addressing questions from the participants.
