

News 01 Dec 2023
Career Fair held at UFAZ

On December 1, a Career Fair was organized at the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) operating under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) with the participation of numerous companies.

In his opening address at the fair, Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, emphasized that career fairs held traditionally, serve as a crucial platform for the integration of students and graduates into the labour market. Expressing hope that the Career Fair, organized in a broader format at UFAZ, would contribute effectively to establishing connections with industrial enterprises, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov thanked the company representatives participating in the fair for their collaboration.

Latifa Nasibova, Acting Executive Director of UFAZ, and Elizaveta Bydanova, UFAZ's Secretary-General, spoke about the significance of the Career Fair for the university and students. They highlighted the importance of such fairs in expanding collaboration with institutions and attracting students to the production process. Furthermore, presentations were showcased on the traditional Career Fairs held at UFAZ, events related to educational organization, and initiatives for the development of education, emphasizing collaboration with graduates, employment, and institutions.

During the fair, students participated in informational sessions about bp's "Summer Internship", Kapital Bank's "Active positions", TWI Caspian Sea's "Technical Training and Services," and Azerbaijan HR Institute's masterclass on "Strategies for impressive job interviews."

It's noteworthy that various companies from different fields participated in the fair, including representatives from SOCAR, Socar Polymer, Socar Downstream, bp, EiGroup, Deloitte, Azerconnect, ABB, Azercell, Simbrella, Emanat, and others. These companies, including AFSA, engaged with students and graduates, providing information about career and internship opportunities at their information booths. In total, 38 companies and over 500 students and graduates participated in the fair. UFAZ and ASOIU students and graduates attended the fair, and participants had the opportunity to submit their CVs to companies through a created CV bank during the event.
