

News 04 Dec 2023
SPE ASOIU holds meeting with students

On December 4, a meeting took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) between students of the "Society of Petroleum Engineers" (SPE) international student organization, the branch identified as "SPE ASOIU," and other students of the university.

The president of "SPE ASOIU," ASOIU student Chingiz Asgarli, and Isa Ahmadov provided information about the organization to the students. It was highlighted that the society aims to discover and bring together talented and enthusiastic youth, providing them with training to contribute to their development as successful engineers in the future. Students were informed that as part of its activities, the "Society of Petroleum Engineers" at ASOIU focuses on organizing training sessions related to engineering and relevant specialities, conducting article writing competitions, language learning skills, stages of interview preparation, and dynamic activities such as competitions and evaluations.

During the meeting, young participants shared success stories, and perspectives on future projects, and discussed their goals. In their presentations, they explained the guidelines for joining the organization, which serves as a common platform for student engineers. 
The interactive session continued with a question-and-answer session, maintaining the students' interest.
