

News 05 Dec 2023
Meeting with ASOIU students within the "Könüllü ol" project

On December 5, a meeting was held between members of the "Könüllü ol" project, within the framework of "Azerbaijan Volunteer Week 2023," and students of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

During the meeting, organized with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, "ASAN service," and the Youth Foundation, under the coordination of the Union of Volunteer Organizations of Azerbaijan, Namik Ganjayev, the chairman of ASOIU's Student Trade Union Committee, addressed the students. He emphasized that the conditions created here are not only for students to acquire education and high knowledge but also for their robust and well-rounded development. N.Ganjayev pointed out that the university provides opportunities for young people to engage in sports, develop musical talents, and organize leisure time effectively. The existing clubs and activities, based on volunteerism or other areas, allow young people to develop their knowledge and skills comprehensively.

Mahammad Hashimzade, the coordinator of the "Könüllü ol" project, addressed the students, stating that the "Azerbaijan Volunteer Week 2023" project is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. He provided detailed information about volunteer activities, highlighting the advantages of working as a volunteer within a team. M.Hashimzade invited the students to become part of their volunteer community, sharing insights gained from their conducted meetings.
