

News 06 Dec 2023
The head of "Borusan Cat Azerbaijan" visited ASOIU

On December 6, Ömer Emre, the head of "Borusan Cat Azerbaijan", met with Acting Rector Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The meeting, attended by company representatives Aytan Mammadova and Togrul Rustamli, as well as ASOIU's Dean of the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor Ali Hikmat Ahmadov, and the Advisor to the Rector on University-Industry Cooperation and Alumni Affairs, Sakit Samadov, focused on expanding and further developing existing collaboration relationships.

Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov provided information to the guests about the university's teaching and education process, international relations, and collaboration with industrial enterprises. He expressed the university's interest in agile collaboration with industry and manufacturing facilities, given its specialization in engineering. Emphasizing the importance of broader collaboration with "Borusan Cat Azerbaijan," V.Asgarov expressed hope that this partnership would be beneficial for the successful experience of ASOIU students and the employment of graduates.

Ömer Emre, the head of "Borusan Cat Azerbaijan", thanked for the warm reception and provided detailed information about the represented company. Emphasizing the special importance of collaboration with ASOIU, he expressed their commitment to make every effort to realize joint prospective projects and achieve successful results together.

At the end of the meeting, the parties exchanged gifts.
