

News 21 Sep 2017
Azercell Telecom launches the next round of Student Bursary Program at ASOIU

On September 21 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted an event regarding the next round of Student Bursary Program of Azercell Telecom for 2017/2018 academic year.

A video featuring the activities of Azercell Telecom during 21 years was demonstrated at the event. Later, the students received comprehensive information on student bursary and internship programs. Application requirements for the bursary program, selection process, and benefits of the program were explained to the attendees.

Aysel Eynullayeva, recruitment specialist at Azercell Telecom, said the students successfully passing all selection stages will receive a monthly stipend from the company until the end of their academic year. In addition to the monthly bursary, the talented students will also have a chance to enrich their knowledge about telecommunications, participate in Azercell’s corporate events and social activities, join a variety of trainings and undertake an internship at the company.

She also stressed that the students from the universities in Baku and regions, as well as SABAH groups are eligible to apply for Student Bursary Program.

At the end of the event, the students received answers to their questions.
