

News 07 Dec 2023
The Republic Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev concludes at ASOIU

On December 7, the Republic-wide scientific conference on the theme "Search Problems and Perspectives of Oil and Gas Fields," dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, concluded at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).
During the closing ceremony of the scientific conference, jointly organized by the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), the Institute of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, Professor Latafat Gardashova, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of ASOIU, highlighted the significance of the conference and stated that it was successfully conducted.
Vagif Gurbanov, the Deputy Director of the Oil and Gas Institute, emphasized the importance of holding a conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and a relevant topic. He also stressed the necessity of organizing such conferences continuously in the future.
Subsequently, speakers, including Professor Vagif Seyidov of ASOIU and Professor Garib Jalalov, a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), delivered reports. They discussed the relevance and scientific importance of the articles presented at the conference. Note that a total of 60 articles were submitted to the conference, and plans for the publication of the materials are underway. Out of the 60 articles, 25 were selected for presentation.
At the end of the conference, certificates were awarded to participants who actively contributed to and distinguished themselves in the organization of the conference.
