

News 11 Dec 2023
ASOIU hosts info session on "Education and Scholarship Programs in the United States"

On December 11, an informative session on "Education and Scholarship Programs in the United States" was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The event, organized by ASOIU's International Cooperation Office, featured insights from the Cultural Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan, Salman Haji, and the coordinator of Exchange Programs, Khanim Teilova, who provided students with information about the American education system and various scholarship programs.

At the end of the session, students had the opportunity to ask questions.

It is worth noting that the International Cooperation Office collaborates with the U.S. Embassy on teacher exchange programs. As a result of this collaboration, American teacher Tiffany Tillman is currently teaching at ASOIU under the "Fulbright" program.
