

News 11 Dec 2023
The exhibition titled "Heydar Aliyev Publications" at the AzII e-Book House

On December 11, a book exhibition titled "Heydar Aliyev Publications" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev was organized at the ASOIU AzII e-Book House.

The exhibition featured bibliographies, photo albums, as well as books and other materials dedicated to the life and activities of the great leader and brilliant statesman Heydar Aliyev. The exhibited materials covered various aspects, including Heydar Aliyev's contributions to the formation and development of the modern state of Azerbaijan, his services in the restoration, protection, and maintenance of Azerbaijan's independence, and his role in shaping the aspirations of the Azerbaijani people. In total, the exhibition showcased over 80 books and periodicals that reflect the socio-political, economic, and social events in the life of our republic during the era of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev.
