

News 12 Dec 2023
ASOIU hosts info session on "SEG ASOIU/UFAZ"

On December 12, a meeting was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) between students of the "Society of Exploration Geophysicists" (SEG) Student Chapter, known as "SEG ASOIU/UFAZ," an international student organization, and other students of the university.

The session featured informative presentations by the leadership team of "SEG ASOIU." Javid Aliyev, the President, along with Vice-President Islam Huseynov, PR Department Director Milana Shahbazova, and Secretary Anar Maharramli, shared insights about the organization. They underscored the organization's mission, emphasizing its commitment to identifying and uniting young, enthusiastic individuals. Their goal is to provide these individuals with the necessary training to mold them into successful engineers of the future.

Furthermore, the presentations showcased the noteworthy achievements of SEG ASOIU/UFAZ during the current year. These accomplishments include active participation in over 100 global and local projects, the publication of articles in international journals, the successful acquisition of research grants, and the organization of the first International field camp for the Caucasus region. The President of SEG ASOIU mentioned the achievements, proudly noting that among 64 countries and 340 universities, ASOIU stands as the world leader, representing our country with distinction.

During the meeting, students shared their experiences and success stories, discussing future projects and goals in the mentioned directions.

It's worth noting that SEG ASOIU/UFAZ Student Chapter operates as a non-profit organization, involving ASOIU and UFAZ students in voluntary activities. The primary objectives of SEG ASOIU/UFAZ Student Chapter encompass the development of exploration geophysics, the promotion of general scientific interests, support for humanitarian efforts, and the acceleration of geophysical innovations.
