

News 13 Dec 2023
FIBAA approves accreditation of 5 ASOIU specializations

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University's (ASOIU) Business Administration(BA) programs with five specializations have been accredited for a five-year period by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA), one of Germany and Europe's renowned accreditation organizations. The decision was made by the Accreditation and Certification Committee of FIBAA during its conference on November 29, 2023. According to this decision, ASOIU's five specializations - Bachelor of Business Administration Programme in Managerial Science (BBA); Bachelor of Business Administration Programme in Business Economics (BBA); Organizations Management (M.Sc.); Human Resources Management (M.Sc.); Marketing Management (M.Sc.) - have obtained international accreditation.

In total, 18 specializations at ASOIU have received international accreditation. Currently, it is one of the most widely adopted institutional and program accreditations globally, with broad applications in education and several advantages. Accreditation ensures the internationalization of the curriculum in the relevant specialization, compliance with the requirements of the Bologna system, allowing students to continue their studies easily in other universities, promoting mobility, and ensuring global recognition of diplomas. Additionally, it contributes to the university's increased international influence.

It is worth noting that FIBAA is an international agency for accreditation and expertise in higher education. Established in 1994 by leading commercial and industrial companies in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, FIBAA has accredited 1900 educational programs in several countries in Europe and worldwide. FIBAA is a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA), the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA), The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), and the European University Association (EUA), among other organizations. During the accreditation procedures for educational programs, FIBAA utilizes a highly valued expert assessment methodology in academic circles. The evaluation of quality is conducted by competent and independent international experts.
