

News 18 Dec 2023
Presentation of the book "Müasir informasiya ölçmə sistemləri" held at ASOIU

On December 18, a presentation of the book "Müasir informasiya ölçmə sistemləri" (Modern Information Measurement Systems) took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) in collaboration with the AzII e-Book House and the Department of Instrumentation.

During the presentation ceremony, Salakhat Mahmudova, the Director of AzII e-Book House, welcomed the participants and provided general information about the book.

ASOIU's Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova; Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, Associate Professor Farid Agayev; Chairman of the Trade Union Committee, Mazahir Babayev; the author, Associate Professor Vagif Abbasov; and the Head of the Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Professor Lala Bakirova, spoke about the importance of the book in studying modern information measurement systems in recent years, emphasizing its significance as a valuable source for acquiring knowledge about widely applied modern information measurement systems and their elements in the fields of measurement, control, diagnostics, and management. The speeches highlighted the relevance of the book for professionals, students, doctoral candidates, master's and bachelor's students, as well as the teaching staff working in the field of Instrumentation Engineering.

It is worth noting that the book "Müasir informasiya ölçmə sistemləri" is published by ASOIU. The high-quality, well-organized book consists of 184 pages.
