

News 19 Dec 2023
IT and cybersecurity symposium took place at ASOIU

On December 19, the 1st Republic Symposium on "Information Security and Cybersecurity," dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Prof. Latafat Gardashova, the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs at ASOIU, welcomed the participants and highlighted the significance of the symposium held on the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. Emphasizing the contemporary relevance of information security and cybersecurity, the Vice Rector noted that organizing future editions of the symposium as seminars or conferences would be purposeful and wished success to the participants.

Assoc Prof. Farid Aghayev, the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, and Assoc Prof. Nazila Rahimova, the Head of the Computer Engineering department, discussed the opportunities created by modern technology and highlighted the specialized training of experts in this field at ASOIU in their speeches.

Elvin Abbasov, Chairman of the Board at Azerbaijan Information and Communication Technologies Industry Association, Babek Aghayev, the Co-founder and Chairman of PROSOL CJSC, and other speakers provided detailed information on information security, cybersecurity, innovations, and perspectives in line with the requirements of the time in this field.

During the symposium, presentations were given on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its requirements, digital management, artificial intelligence, extensive application of information technologies in management and production, and cybersecurity. Proposals and innovations were also voiced during the event.
