

News 29 Dec 2023
Enlightening seminar on voting rights held for first-time voters

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), in collaboration with the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations' Union (ASYOU) and with the support of the Central Election Commission (CEC), organized an enlightening seminar on voting rights for students who will cast their votes for the first time in the upcoming early presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on February 7, 2024.
The primary purpose of the seminar was to educate young individuals about the electoral system, the rights and responsibilities of voters, and to enhance the knowledge and participation of students who will be voting for the first time.
Conducted with the participation of representatives from the CEC, the sessions covered essential legal matters that young voters must be aware of before and during the elections. Questions from students were addressed, aiming to increase their awareness and engagement in the electoral process.
