

News 07 Jan 2024
The final semester exams at UFAZ replaced with continuous assessment system

For the first time in Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ), operating under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), has transitioned to a continuous assessment system. According to the new rules implemented at UFAZ, final semester exams have been abolished, and the assessment, based on three different assignments or midterm exams, is finalized by the end of December. As a result, students learn all subjects throughout the semester and remain consistently prepared. This decision was adopted at the meeting of the Steering Committee, following the recommendation of UFAZ's Scientific Committee.

It is worth noting that the continuous assessment system is applied in many leading universities worldwide. This system imparts skills to students such as time management for future professional activities and the ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

It should be noted that the start and end dates of the academic year can vary at UFAZ each year. For the 2023/2024 academic year, the fall semester lasted from September 11 to December 29, while the spring semester will continue from January 29 to May 27.

Established in 2016, UFAZ offers education in four specialities: Geophysical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Oil and Gas Engineering, and Computer Science. Graduates of UFAZ receive two diplomas (from the University of Strasbourg or Ren 1 and ASOIU). The duration of education for all specialities at UFAZ is four years.
