

News 10 Jan 2024
AzII e-Book House obtains access to "EBS Znanium.com" electronic library system

The readers of AzII e-Book House have the opportunity for free access to the "EBS Znanium" electronic library system of the Russian Federation from January 9, 2024, to February 9, 2024.

The "EBS Znanium" electronic library system has created collections consisting of electronic versions of books, journals, and articles grouped according to thematic and target features. "EBS Znanium" is a reliable publishing platform for the distribution of thousands of unique books, journals, high-quality products, and educational and scientific information in electronic format.

Those who wish to benefit from the books and journals covering various scientific fields (such as oil, geology, logic, pedagogy, mathematics, etc.) available in the "EBS Znanium" electronic library system and its database can do so on the AzII e-Book House page and through the following link: https://znanium.ru/
