

News 11 Jan 2024
The autumn semester exam session continues at ASOIU

At Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), the examination session for the autumn semester of the 2023/2024 academic year is underway.

Written and oral exams have been conducted for a total of 19,009 students until January 10. Among them, 3,098 students received excellent grades, 2,214 very good, 3,110 good, 3,249 sufficient, and 5,257 satisfactory. Additionally, 118 students received an inadequate grade. 876 students did not participate in the exams, and 87 were excluded for violating regulations.

It should be noted that a total of 12,988 undergraduate and 2,835 master's students will take exams this semester.

The university has ensured all necessary conditions for the exams. The Examination Observation Center, established to ensure transparency, closely monitors the prevention of any irregularities, including the process of transfer and addressing other negative situations that may arise during the exams.

Following the exams, the answers are coded, and after thorough verification, the results are published on the Electronic University (Unibook) platform. Students dissatisfied with their grades can appeal through the electronic document circulation system within 72 hours after the exam. The exam session commenced on December 22 for part-time students and December 29 for full-time students. For students who receive an insufficient grade on an exam (only for two subjects), the option for a retake exam is available two days after the initial exam upon student request, with a fee of 25%.

It is worth noting that the examination session for the autumn semester at ASOIU will conclude on February 2, 2024.
