

News 17 Jan 2024
Extension of international accreditation period for 5 specialties at ASOIU

The degree programs of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) in five specialties have been accredited by the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics (ASIIN), one of the renowned accreditation organizations in Germany and Europe. The accreditation is in accordance with European standards and is valid for the next three years. Based on the decision accepted by the ASIIN International Accreditation and Certification Agency, the international accreditation of ASOIU's Preparation of Bachelors with New Technologies (bachelor's degree), Oil and Gas Engineering (bachelor's degree), Geological Engineering (bachelor's degree), Chemical Engineering (bachelor's degree), and Chemical Engineering (master's degree) specialties is officially recognized from June 24, 2022, to September 30, 2027.

In total, 18 specialties at ASOIU have undergone international accreditation. Currently, this accreditation agency is one of the most widely implemented institutional and program accreditations globally, providing several advantages. Accreditation ensures the internationalization of the curriculum for the respective specialties, and compliance with the requirements of the Bologna system, allowing students to easily continue their education at other universities during their study period. It also facilitates mobility, and recognition of diplomas worldwide, and contributes to the increase of the university's international influence.
