

News 19 Jan 2024
Honoring the memory of January 20 martyrs at ASOIU

A commemorative event dedicated to the martyrs of January 20 was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, along with the university's professorial staff, laid flowers in front of the memorial dedicated to the January 20 martyrs.

The event commenced with a minute of silence, honoring the memory of our martyrs, followed by the recitation of the National Anthem. A video presentation dedicated to the martyrs of January 20 at ASOIU was then showcased.

In his speech, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov stated that in January 1990, the heart of every Azerbaijani beat with a passion for freedom. Therefore, this bloody crime could not extinguish the people's love for freedom, and at the cost of blood, our nation achieved its state independence.

Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov highlighted that the events of January 20 have also transformed into a symbol of National Unity and patriotism for the Azerbaijani people. He noted that this date is engraved in the memory as a glorious chapter in the struggle for our nation's freedom. He expressed that today, the souls of the martyrs, who fell during the January 20 tragedy, the First Karabakh War, and the 44-day Patriotic War that concluded with Azerbaijan's historical victory, rest in peace.

During his speech, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov acknowledged the leadership of President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev for ensuring the territorial integrity of our homeland, Azerbaijan. He called upon the youth to actively participate in the upcoming presidential elections for the further development of our country.

Professor Irada Nuriyeva from the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines at ASOIU spoke about the history of the January 20 events and the struggle of the Azerbaijani people.

Mazahir Babayev, the Chairman of ASOIU's Trade Union Committee, spoke about the attention given to the families of martyrs, including the relatives of AzII's January 20 martyrs (students) - Rahim Babayev, Janpolad Orujov, and Agabey Novruzbayli. He emphasized the significance of this gesture and expressed deep respect for the souls of our martyrs. Babayev underscored that this act of remembrance is a fundamental duty for each one of us.

Family members and close relatives of our martyrs who participated in the event expressed their gratitude for the attention shown to them.
