

News 25 Jan 2024
Memorial Day commemorating AzII graduate martyr

A memorial day was organized at the Sumgayit History Museum in remembrance of Jeyhun Allahverdi oglu Karimov, a martyr of the First Karabakh War and a former student of AzII (ASOIU) at that time.

The event, attended by the martyr's relatives and representatives of the public, also witnessed the presence of colleagues from Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, including Professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova and Associate Professor Ata Babayev.

Speakers at the event shared memories and discussed the martyr's path of struggle and patriotism. It was highlighted that Jeyhun Karimov, a student of the Faculty of Chemical Technology at AzII, willingly interrupted his education in the early '90s, choosing to actively engage in the battlefield when a foreboding atmosphere loomed over the homeland. Displaying courage, he valiantly participated in numerous intense battles in the Aghdam-Fuzuli direction and ultimately sacrificed his life as a hero.

During the event, a video presentation about our martyr was showcased, and poems on patriotism by the youth were recited.
