

News 26 Jan 2024
The autumn semester examination session progresses successfully at ASOIU

The main part of the autumn semester examination session for the 2023/2024 academic year at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has been successfully completed, and the exams are currently ongoing.

Written and oral exams have been conducted for a total of 48,950 students until January 25. Among them, 8,534 students received excellent grades, 6,611 very good, 8,694 good, 8,135 sufficient, and 14,261 satisfactory. Additionally, 3,122 students received an inadequate grade. 1,932 students did not participate in the exams, and 179 were excluded for violating regulations.

It should be noted that this semester will see a total of 12,988 undergraduate and 2,835 master's students taking exams, and the autumn semester examination session will conclude on February 2, 2024.
