

News 26 Jan 2024
Representatives of THE ranking company visited ASOIU

On January 26, Acting Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, met with representatives of THE ranking company.

The guests visiting the university in line with the promotion of ASOIU's ranking policy included Phil Baty, the Chief Global Affairs Officer of THE ranking company, Lachyn Italmazova, the company's Commercial Director, and Zufiyya Shafiyeva, the Advisor on Accreditation and Licensing. During their visit, they expressed their approval of the conditions created for teaching and providing quality education.

In the meeting attended by Associate Professor Rafik Jamalov, Vice-Rector for International Relations of ASOIU, and Latifa Nasibova, Acting Director of UFAZ, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov provided detailed information to the guests about the university.

During the meeting conducted in a sincere atmosphere, discussions were held within the framework of mutual collaboration, focusing on the modern approach towards the development of education and scientific achievements, including prospective projects.
