

News 14 Feb 2024
Discussion at ASOIU with leaders of "Enerjinet" and "Tavrida Electric"

On February 13, a meeting has been held between Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and representatives from the "Enerjinet" company of the Russian Federation, as well as the "Tavrida Electric" company representing Central Asia and the Azerbaijan regions.

The Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, welcomed the guests and provided them with information about the university's teaching and scientific achievements, faculties, specialties, and goals. Following that, Oleg Grinko, leading the team from the Russian Federation's "Enerjinet" company, and Bahruz Makharov, director of "Tavrida Electric" representing Central Asia and the Azerbaijan regions, outlined the operations of their companies. Subsequently, they delved into discussions regarding proposals and plans concerning the establishment of a laboratory at ASOIU's Faculty of Power Engineering.

The main purpose of the meeting, organized under the guidance of the Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering, Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev, was to discuss the establishment of a scientific research and teaching laboratory aimed at enhancing the quality of education and conducting advanced teaching programs and technologies. These programs and technologies focus on the utilization, planning, modeling, and analysis of digital distributed power grids, diagnostics of electrical equipment, studying the resilience of power systems, and optimizing the operation of the power system.

It was agreed during the meeting to carry out organizational work in the near future and to commence the establishment of the laboratory from September of the current year. Additionally, plans were made to work on renewable energy technologies, distributed energy networks, hydrogen energy, and energy storage in the future.
