

News 14 Feb 2024
ASOIU conducts Civil Defense preparedness briefing and drill exercise

On February 14, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) conducted a civil defense preparedness briefing and training exercise organized by the university's Civil Defense Headquarters as part of its annual events plan.

During the annual civil defense preparedness briefing and drill exercise, Elshan Mammadov, the head of ASOIU's Civil Defense Headquarters, addressed the participants, emphasizing the importance of civil defense for saving lives, the necessity of making sound decisions during emergencies, and providing information about the drill exercise.

The main purpose of the meeting, attended by university staff, was to evaluate the joint activities of the Civil Defense leadership at ASOIU, commanders of non-military Civil Defense units, and chiefs in eliminating the consequences of emergencies, as well as assessing the activities of the emergency commission and Civil Defense headquarters at the university.
