

News 19 Feb 2024
Meeting with Presidential award recipients held at ASOIU

On February 16, a meeting was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) between the recipients of the Presidential Awards and the students. 
The meeting, organized with the support of the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and under the coordination of the “Gənclərin Maarifləndirilməsinə Dəstək” Public Union (PU), was chaired by Aynur Salmanli, the chairman of the PU, who greeted the students and provided them with information about the meeting. 
Then, in 2024, the Presidential Award recipients - Parviz Miralamli, chairman of the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations' Union (ASYOU), and Aykhan Allahverdiyev, chairman of the "Gənc Könüllülər" PU - delivered speeches, discussing their activities, success stories, and the opportunities created for the education and development of young people. Detailed information was provided during the speeches about social activities, youth organizations, and volunteerism. 
In the interactive meeting, questions from the students were answered.
