

News 21 Feb 2024
Information session on UFAZ's master's programs held at ASOIU

On February 20, an information session regarding the four master's programs offered by the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). During the event, Latifa Nasibova, Acting Director of UFAZ, noted that the Azerbaijani-French University is a prestigious educational institution selected for its practical approach to disciplines alongside theoretical knowledge since its inception. She also emphasized that education at UFAZ is completely tuition-free. Elizaveta Bydanova, the Secretary general at UFAZ, discussed the advantages of the proposed master's dual diploma programs and mentioned the opportunity for selected students with high achievements to spend the second semester of their second academic year in France.

Damien Lemarchand, program manager invited from the University of Strasbourg, along with program coordinators Maxim Florent and Samer El Zant, provided detailed presentations about each master's program during the information session. Additionally, successful alumni of UFAZ's master's programs, Malik Sheikhli and Ilkin Sefarli, shared their success stories.

During the speeches, it was emphasized that information sessions for students play an exceptional role in informing young people about various educational opportunities. At the end, participants' questions were answered.

It is worth noting that UFAZ offers 4 specializations under its master's program:

Physical Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Geosciences, Water Resources and Management
