

News 23 Feb 2024
ASOIU hosts forum on "Energy and Security Partnership" between Azerbaijani and Turkish youth

On February 23, with the support of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani Students and Alumni Platform (ASAP), and Bahçeşehir University, a youth forum entitled"Partnership in Energy and Security" was held, featuring 300 young participants.

At the event, the opening remarks were given by the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov; Gadir Khalilov, the Acting Executive Director of the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Sevda Mansurova, the Executive Director of the Azerbaijani Students and Alumni Platform; and Esra Hatipoğlu, the Rector of Bahçeşehir University.

During the speeches, various topics were discussed, including the development of relations between Azerbaijani and Turkish youth, energy security in the region, and the significance of engaging young people in international events relating to the environment, such as COP29. 

Subsequently, the forum continued with panel discussions featuring professors from Bahçeşehir University, including Zekeriya Tüzen, Abdullah Ağar, Ebru Canan Sokullu, Yücel Batu Salman, and Ahmet Sedat Aybar.

The speakers conducted discussions around the ecopolitical and geostrategic nature of Azerbaijan-Türkiye relations in the region, the importance of environmental factors in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, and topics related to COP29, answering participants' questions.
