

News 25 Feb 2024
Students from the No. 2 Children and Youth Development Center visit ASOIU for excursion

On February 23, 7th-grade students from the Children and Youth Development Center No. 2 under the Baku City Education Department visited the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) for an excursion.

The students first visited the university's Mineralogy Museum, where they familiarized themselves with various types of exhibits. The museum's director, Associate Professor Agamehdi Agayev, provided detailed information to the middle school students about the names of minerals, their chemical compositions, and the locations where they are found.

Later, the students visited ASOIU's History Museum and explored historical exhibits related to the university.

During the excursion, the students also toured the laboratories of the "Organic Substances and Technology of High-Molecular Compounds" department of ASOIU's Faculty of Chemical Technology.
