

News 28 Sep 2017
ASOIU Fundamental Library is taking part in V Baku International Book Fair

On September 28 the Fundamental library of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took part in the V Baku International Book Fair, organized at Baku Sports Palace by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfas Garayev, Deputy Prime Minister, People’s writer Elchin Efendiyev, members of Parliament, publishing houses of different countries, writers and other public figures attended the opening ceremony of the fair, where were registered at least 100 local and over 40 foreign publishing houses, universities, bookstores and other organizations. Addressing the ceremony, Minister A. Garayev informed the visitors about the fair and historical publications and spoke about the significance of the book.

150 books of ASOIU Fundamental library were demonstrated at the fair. Heydar Aliyev heritage, ancient manuscripts, miniature books, books covering other areas of oil and industry, including ASOIU’s “Oil and Industry” magazine were among the exhibited materials. In addition, ASOIU joined the book charity campaign entitled “You should read too”, organized by the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Global Shapers Community of the World Economic Forum, and donated 40 titles of books and journals.

Notably, the purpose of the charity campaign “You should read too” is to donate the collected books and other materials to the new library created in Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrayil district, as well as to low-income families that live in the capital and regions and love reading.

It is noteworthy that the V Baku International Book Fair brings together representatives of local and foreign printing, polygraphic enterprises, publishing houses, libraries and organizations dealing with printing.

Within the 3-day fair, along with the demonstration and sale of local and foreign publications, a number of events, book presentations and meetings with authors were held. Readers had a chance to get acquainted with both local and foreign publications.
