

News 06 Mar 2024
ASOIU staff offered free access to services covered by Mandatory Health Insurance package

At Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University's (ASOIU) Student Polyclinic No. 2, therapeutic, cardiological, neurological, ophthalmological, and laboratory services are provided to students and university staff.

In addition, conditions have been created for university staff to utilize services included in the Mandatory Health Insurance package at the polyclinic free of charge. Blood samples taken at the polyclinic's laboratory are examined at Reference clinical laboratories. Any university staff member wishing to undergo an examination can approach and apply at the polyclinic.

ASOIU Student Polyclinic No. 2 is located in the main building of the university. The polyclinic operates under the supervision of the Baku City Health Center. It houses 11 examination rooms and a clinical laboratory.
