

News 18 Mar 2024
Visit to families of martyred ASOIU alumni

On the eve of the Novruz holiday, the Acting Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, along with several university staff members, visited the families of our alumni who rose to the peak of martyrdom in the 44-day Patriotic War.

The university delegation visited the families of martyrs not only in Baku but also in regions such as Gazakh, Aghstafa, Sheki, Oghuz, Neftchala, Salyan, and others, congratulating them on the holiday, conveying their best wishes, and assuring them of their continuous support. During the meetings, the martyrs' memorial complexes were visited, and bouquets were laid in front of their busts.

Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov visited the families of several ASOIU martyr alumni and had a sincere conversation with their parents. He emphasized that the university regularly maintains close contact with the families of ASOIU heroic alumni, and the memories of our martyrs are deeply respected at the higher institution. Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov also brought to the attention of the parents the efforts made by ASOIU to commemorate the memory of martyred alumni, stressing that the martyr memorial complex and auditoriums named after martyred alumnus are among students' favourite places.

During the meetings, it was proudly noted that our heroic sons, who liberated the ancient Azerbaijani lands that had been occupied for nearly 30 years during the 44-day war, were followed by a successful anti-terror operation conducted by our Armed Forces in September 2023, ensuring Azerbaijan's state sovereignty across the entire territory of the country.

Indeed, today, Azerbaijan owes its historical victory to our heroes, and we will always proudly remember them. Their path of struggle will serve as an example for future generations, and we will spare no effort for this.

It is worth noting that ASOIU has 23 martyr alumni, and today, their family members are the most beloved and respected individuals at the university. During conversations with the parents of these martyrs, they expressed their gratitude for the attention paid to them and said that they see ASOIU and its wide community as their second family, where their children receive education in their times.
