

News 01 Apr 2024
ASOIU hosts Scientific seminar for young researchers and doctoral students

On April 1, a Scientific seminar dedicated to the "Science Day" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) for young researchers and doctoral students.

During the seminar, which was also attended by ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, Professor Latafat Gardashova, the university's Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, provided information about the seminar. She discussed the conditions created at the university for the development of the scientific potential of future scientists and encouraged the youth to take advantage of these opportunities.

Addressing the role of science in human life during the "Science Day" seminar, ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, wished success to young researchers and doctoral students. He emphasized that the success of each future scientist is the success of the university and expressed the university's readiness to support them.

Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov highlighted the importance of enhancing the quality of education and research, expanding international relations, relying on the experience of leading universities worldwide, and other important issues in ASOIU's future formation as a research university. He also noted the significance of the success of young researchers.

The seminar, moderated by Associate Professor Zulfikar Ibrahimli, Head of  ASOIU's Department of Doctoral Studies, and organized by the Department of Doctoral Studies and the faculties of Geological Exploration, Oil and Gas Production, Chemical Technology, Oil Mechanical Engineering, Power Engineering, Information Technologies and Control, Economics and Management, featured presentations and plenary speeches on topics such as "Purification of water from organic pollutants and transition metals through modified clays with Nano-structured structures”, "Intensification of heat exchange in the condenser of steam-gas installations", "Assessment of the technical condition of power transformers based on fuzzy logic", "Prediction of oil-gas content of deep layers of rapidly collapsing basins”, "Modeling of construction sand preparation technology” and others. Participants' questions on the topics were answered by the presenters.
