

News 03 Apr 2024
bp Azerbaijan donates books to AzII e-Book House

bp Azerbaijan has generously donated 850 copies of 5 titles to the library of AzII e-Book House. The translation and publication of these academic books into Azerbaijani language are part of bp's support for the development of education in the country. These books are a gift from bp Azerbaijan to educational institutions specializing in this field and to the public.

Here is the list of books:

1.Rəqəmsal marketinq.Strategiya, tətbiq və təcrübə;

2.Marketinq strategiyası;

3.Növbəti gələcəyin qısa tarixi;

4.İnformasiya təhlükəsizliyinin prinsipləri;

5.İqtisadi siyasət.Nəzəriyyə və praktika;


Those interested in these books should contact AzII e-Book House. 
