

News 03 Apr 2024
Azerbaijani and Kazakh students' science olympiad held at ASOIU

On April 3, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a science olympiad for students in grades 5-11 from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

The olympiad, organized by ASOIU and the South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov, was held in the following subjects: English, Kazakh, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Geography. Each grade level received relevant test assignments, which the students completed within one and a half hours.

After the results were determined, a ceremony to award the winners took place at UFAZ operated by ASOIU. First, second and third-place winners were awarded with diplomas and medals. Medals were presented to winners by the Vice-Rector of ASOIU for Academic Affairs Assoc. Prof Gasim Mammadov.

The curator teachers who participated in the olympiad were also awarded certificates.

The Kazakh guests, pleased with the conditions at the university and the organization of the olympiad, suggested that similar competitions should be held at bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels in future through collaboration between the two educational institutions.
