

News 04 Apr 2024
ASOIU professor participates in the international conference "Mathematics in the Constellation of Sciences" in Moscow

On April 1-2, 2024, an international scientific conference titled "Mathematics in the Constellation of Sciences" was held in Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichii, a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor, doctor of science in mathematics and physics.

At the conference, Professor Araz Aliyev, the head of the "General and Applied Mathematics" department at ASOIU, Honored Scientist, Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics, participated.

More than 1100 scholars registered to participate in the conference, with 400 of them granted the opportunity to present scientific papers. Despite participants coming from various countries including the USA, China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Azerbaijan, only 27 individuals met the criteria for presentation.

Professor Araz Aliyev delivered a scientific presentation titled "About one issue of solvability of two classes of fourth-order operator-differential equations" in the section "Analysis and Spectral Operator Theory." 

At the conference reception, Professor Araz Aliyev was introduced by Academician V. A. Sadovnichii, who praised him as a distinguished representative of the renowned Baku Mathematical School. In response, Professor Araz Aliyev conveyed the congratulations of the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Asgarov on the occasion of the anniversary, along with a symbolic gift representing the university.

Subsequently, Professor Araz Aliyev provided brief information about ASOIU and its scientific research to Academician V.A. Sadovnichii. Viktor Sadovnichii expressed his gratitude to the university leadership and colleagues, acknowledging ASOIU as a distinguished center for scientific research.

The organizing committee of the conference presented Professor Araz Aliyev with a new three-volume mathematical analysis textbook authored by V. A. Sadovnichi, as well as a book on functional analysis published in English in Hong Kong. 

During the visit, Professor Araz Aliyev held meetings with several colleagues from universities in Russia, China, and Kazakhstan, reaching agreements on future joint scientific research endeavors.
