

News 29 Sep 2017
Warning and assembly training of civil defence forces held at ASOIU

Warning and assembly training of civil defence forces of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took place on September 29. The meeting held under the leadership of the chief of civil defence headquarters Elshan Mammadov involved civil defence forces from the university’s faculties and offices. E. Mammadov gave instructions on the codes of conduct and ways to prevent the emergency situations with minimum loss and damage. Then, the headquarters chief explained the how to handle the occurred problems during emergency situations and spoke about general instructions.

The purpose of the meeting is to prevent losses that may happen during emergencies and help the civil defence to eliminate the consequences of any disaster.

Notably, the civil defence trainings are held in conformity with the yearly plan of events agreed by the chief of civil defence of ASOIU Rector, Prof Mustafa Babanli and the chief of Emergency Situations and Defence Department in the Nasimi district Musa Maharramov. Meetings are held twice a year in accordance with the order and training plan of the university administration, involving civil defense forces and command staff.
