

News 15 Nov 2023
Seminar held at ASOIU within the "Visiting Professor" project

On November 15, Naila Musayeva, Honorary Professor at Austria's KREMS University of Applied Sciences, Associate Professor at Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University, and Professor in the IMC Krems AATP dual diploma program, and member of the Azerbaijan Project Management Association (AzPMA), visited Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) as part of the "Visiting Professor" project.

Naila Musayeva conducted a seminar on project management within the framework of the "Project Management" course syllabus, which is taught to the second-year students of the Chemical Technology Faculty's "Petroleum Chemistry and Industrial Ecology" department, in groups 351.20 and 353.20. During the seminar, she provided information to students on creating successful strategies for managing projects and other important topics such as "Project Scope Management," "Time Management," "Cost Management," and "Quality Management." At the end of the seminars, students had the opportunity to ask questions that interested them.
