

News 29 Sep 2017
SOCAR FUGRO LLC holds training on security at ASOIU

SOCAR FUGRO LLC held a training on labor security and technical safety for students of the Faculty of Geological Exploration at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on September 29. The training was attended by SOCAR FUGRO HSE specialists Jabrayil Alasgarov and Azer Imanov, Human Resources, Training and Development Manager Aygun Mammadova and students.

The training emphasized the significance of health, environment and labor security rules, providing comprehensive information on the principles of compliance with these guidelines. Then, students were told about labor security and technical safety issues. The trainers and participants also discussed the acquisition of guidance before starting the work, pre-negotiating and minimizing the incidents that might occur during the work and the issues of continuing control. It was noted that safety rules in the oil, gas and chemical industries are of particular importance.

Notably, the main purpose of the training is to encourage students and young people to pay attention to safety rules wherever they are. From March 2017, SOCAR FUGRO cooperates with ASOIU within the framework of training and development of young professionals in accordance with nationalization policy. Trainings, excursions and summer internship project have been implemented as part of this collaboration. During the summer internship, it was taken into account that young people were uninformed about the labor security and safety rules. Thus, safety training started to be held as of new school year.
