

News 09 Apr 2024
Meeting with Ali Hasanov, NAP Veterans Council member and AzII alumnus at ASOIU

On April 9, a meeting was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), within the framework of a series of events dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, with Ali Hasanov, a member of the Veterans Council of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) and a prominent alumnus of ASOIU.

The event was jointly organized by the Central Administration of the NAP and ASOIU, and attended by the university's acting rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, faculty members, and students.

Following the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a moment of silence was observed in memory of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our lands.

Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, a member of the NAP Board and acting rector of ASOIU, welcomed Ali Hasanov on behalf of the university collective. Highlighting the initiation of the series of events commemorating the 101st anniversary of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev with Ali Hasanov, a member of the NAP Veterans Council and an esteemed graduate of AzII, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov expressed that Hasanov has always been a cherished guest at ASOIU and discussed his contributions to our nation's socio-political landscape. During his address, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov emphasized that the contemporary state of Azerbaijan, cultivated by the visionary leadership of Heydar Aliyev, is flourishing. He highlighted that owing to the endeavours of President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan is globally acknowledged as a prosperous and secure nation. The acting rector of ASOIU discussed the great leader's commitment to advancing education throughout his leadership in the Republic, highlighting ASOIU's accomplishments. Noting that the meeting coincided with the birthday of Ali Hasanov, a member of the NAP Veterans Council and AzII alumnus, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov presented Ali Hasanov with the Jubilee Medal commemorating the "100th Anniversary of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (1920-2020)."

Ali Hasanov, a member of the NAP Veterans Council and a distinguished graduate of AzII, shared his extensive life experiences with the participants, highlighting the contributions of the esteemed leader Heydar Aliyev to the development and strengthening of the republic across both the Soviet and post-independence eras. He highlighted that Heydar Aliyev embodied all essential qualities of leadership, including innate talent, proficiency and courage, coupled with deep dedication to Motherland, the nation, its people and its territory.

Ali Hasanov, who worked closely under the leadership of the National Leader for 20 years, shared personal memories of Heydar Aliyev with the participants. He spoke about the advantages of being an AzII alumnus and shared pleasant memories from his educational period with the participants.

At the end of the meeting, Ali Hasanov answered students' questions and emphasized that the key to success is education. He highlighted that it is possible to develop into a successful individual, a worthy citizen, a professional specialist, and a skilled professional through acquiring higher education, and that our country has all the necessary conditions for this.
