

News 16 Apr 2024
Master class held at ASOIU as part of the "Green World Solidarity Year"

On April 15, at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), a master class on "Azerbaijan's Increasing Commitment to a Sustainable Future for the World" was organized by Assoc. Prof. Narmina Aliyeva, Head of the Department of Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology, in connection with the "Green World Solidarity Year", for a group of students pursuing master's degrees in "Chemical Engineering" and "Environmental Engineering".

The master class, conducted by Vice President and leading expert Igor Nasirov of Euro Petroleum Consultants, featured lectures on various green initiatives, process analyses, environmental protection efforts, and related topics worldwide, including Azerbaijan. Detailed discussions and exchanges of ideas on these subjects took place during the session.

The experienced expert emphasized the importance of collective global efforts towards a sustainable future. At the end, questions from students regarding the topic were addressed and answered.
