

News 02 Oct 2017
New trainings begin at ASOIU “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center

“eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) started the new season of trainings for students on October 2. The training titled “Introduction to entrepreneurship and startup business” was led by Israeli mentor Igor Peer. Along with ASOIU, interested students of other higher education institutions were also invited to the training.

Introduction to Startup business, discussion of ideas, strategic planning, business research, business relations, engagement of investments and other modules were explained to participants willing to start their own business. The training also featured talks on the experience of foreign and successful startup projects. At the end of the event, young people with startup ideas presented their projects.

Notably, the trainings will continue until October 7. Their main objective is to help the creative young people project their ideas and transform them into a business structure for commercial purposes. The participation is free of charge. 

It should be reminded that ASOIU “eazi START” startup school was founded in late 2015 and held its first trainings in January 2016. Business incubators “Sikorsky Challenge” (Ukraine) and “BeNextIT” (Israel) took active part in the development of startup school, realization of trainings, conduction of activities with students as being partner companies.

“eazi START” operates in order to contribute to the startup movement in Azerbaijan and, in particular, to support the transformation of innovative ideas into business structures.
