

News 02 May 2024
QS Regional Director visits ASOIU

On May 2, Sergey Khrystolyubov, the regional director of QS, held a meeting with Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, the Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

During the meeting, they discussed ASOIU's performance in the 2024 QS ranking, along with its perspectives and goals. Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov provided detailed information about the university, emphasizing ASOIU's goal to achieve a top position in the QS ranking by 2026. He mentioned that as a team, specific efforts are underway to enhance education and training, establish a modern educational system that aligns with current trends, and substantially develop scientific achievements to attain positive outcomes.

Sergey Khrystolyubov, QS's regional director, acknowledged the university's activities and the attention given to education by the Azerbaijani government. He highlighted ASOIU's strong international representation and emphasized that the university's rapid ascent in the QS rankings in recent years has been impressive, signifying a notable achievement for its development.

During the meeting, Sergey Khrystolyubov presented a gift prepared by QS for achieving a high ranking to Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov. 

Subsequently, QS's regional director, Sergey Khrystolyubov, conducted an extensive meeting with the professorial team at ASOIU. They discussed the key criteria and advantages important for QS, and addressed questions from the university staff during the session.
