

News 08 May 2024
Conclusion of the Republic Scientific Conference dedicated to the 101st anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev

The Republic Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the birth of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, within the "Green World Solidarity Year" and COP 29, has concluded at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

During the closing ceremony of the two-day conference, Professor Latafat Gardashova, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs at ASOIU, and Associate Professor Zulfugar Ibrahimli, Head of the Doctoral Department, discussed the outcomes and scientific significance of the conference. Subsequently, reports from section leaders were heard.

Within the conference framework, sectional meetings were held in 7 sections (Geology and Geophysics, Development of oil and gas fields, Chemical-Technology and Ecology, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Renewable Energy, Information Technologies and Security, Economics and Management), where presentations were delivered. Overall, the conference featured 99 thesis presentations.
