

News 08 May 2024
ASOIU's futsal tournament winners rewarded

On May 8, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a ceremony to reward the champions of an internal futsal tournament dedicated to the 101st anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. This event was organized by the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC).

During the awards ceremony, Namig Ganjayev, Chairman of ASOIU's STUC, celebrated the achievements of the university's futsal team and encouraged them for continued success. He then presented awards to the members of the winning team.

The winning team members included: Parviz Kazimli, Murad Hasanov, Nijat Ahmadli, Ibrahim Manafov, Jahid Dosiyev, Elvin Gulmammadli, Nijat Alizadeh (1st place), Samir Farzaliyev, Ali Alakbarzadeh, Kanan Bayramov, Balakhuseyn Sadigov, Umid Mammadov, Orkhan Davudi, Aykhan Mammadnabiyev (2nd place), Khayal Farzaliyev, Agil Karayev, Farid Mirzayev, Togrul Huseynli, Agshin Aliyev, Shahriyar Hasanov, and Amin Maharramov (3rd place).

The ceremony also recognized the team's referees - Hasanagha Mirzabayli, Erik Mirzagayev, and the organizers Vugar Axundzadeh and Rahman Mammadov. Winners received diplomas, certificates, medals, and trophies to commemorate their achievements.
