

News 13 May 2024
The exhibition "COP29" organized at the AzII e-Book House

The Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organized a book exhibition titled "COP29" at the AzII e-Book House as part of the "Green World Solidarity Year."

 The exhibition showcased a collection of books contributed by ASOIU's faculty, staff, and various individuals and organizations for the AzII e-Book House. The focus was on socio-economic development aimed at creating a "Country of Clean Environment and Green Growth." The displayed books covered a wide range of topics, including environmental protection, restoration of green areas, efficient use of water resources and sustainable energy, installation of cleaning technologies, remediation and greening of oil-contaminated lands in mining areas, restoration of polluted sites, afforestation of arid lands, protection of the Caspian Sea coastline and marine ecosystems, and mitigation of climate change impacts. In total, more than 60 books were featured in the exhibition. 

The exhibition will continue until the end of 2024, with new books and other printed materials being added to the AzII e-Book House collection.
